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There is no perfect intelligent customer service system yet—at least not one I've worked with!

With the advent of GPT, it might be possible to create a perfect customer service system in the future.

The three core products of an intelligent customer service system are online customer service, call centers, and telemarketing systems.

All functions and structures are built around these three basic products.

In the extended application layer, value-added modules are added to these three products to meet customers' functional needs.

In specific industry scenarios, these can be combined into industry-specific versions, such as for e-commerce, education, and insurance. This depends on the product's understanding and depth of integration with the industry.

In general SaaS products, intelligent customer service can also integrate with CRM systems, SCRM systems, teleconferencing, and enterprise communications. However, due to strong isolation in the SaaS field, stable alliances are rare and there is a lack of intermediary access layers. Therefore, customers often need to combine and connect these systems themselves.

Downwards, there are PaaS applications and communication infrastructure platforms, as well as operation service platforms.

Upwards, there are AI application products, mainly focused on service and marketing scenarios for intelligent customer service. These include AI-powered voice calls and online text customer service, robot quality inspection services, and robot sales assistance.

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