Sep 8, 2021Liked by Laëtitia Vitaud

Thank you, Laetitia, for your very interesting article. I live in the Netherlands, and I often catch myself thinking about the differences between European countries in terms of women's place in society. Most Dutch women (between 60% and 70% depending on the study) work part-time, which sounds similar to what you have observed in Germany. The Netherlands’ gender gap in hours worked contributes to the gender gap in earnings, the gender gap in pensions, women’s slower progression into management roles, and the unequal division of unpaid work at home. As usual, these gaps widen with parenthood. I also really enjoyed your article entitled "Career Women: the French vs the American Mode". Thank you so much for your work!

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It's so funny I always thought that 3 year leave is so nice and generous. Life is so unfair to women in general, but 30 you get your stuff together and then you need to decide to change everything you worked hard for to have a baby.

I'm also curious what's the rate of entrepreneurship among women/mothers? Because in Armenia where I'm from it's extremally high as women choose to create businesses then be discriminated in the workforce.

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