Thanks a lot, your points resonate a lot with what I also have been feeling. I have been also thinking about what impact this is going to have on the Future of Work (or, rather, on the Work of the Future) https://sergiocaredda.eu/people/the-new-future-of-work-after-covid-19

Also, there's an initiative launched to identify what Good can be built after Covid. We have done a first fishbowl event trying to identify the first trends. https://goodaftercovid19.org

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Lots of resources on the good after covid page. Thanks

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Thank you, Sergio! Loved your piece about the future of work after Covid

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Thanks Laëtitia, another great read. It was good to see David Graeber’s work referenced on Bullshit Jobs. Did you hear that he recently died? A great loss of an original thinker.

I really enjoy your work as I try to see a way to work differently over the next 20 years of my ‘working life’ after 50.

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Thanks, Julian. David Graeber's death is indeed a great loss :-(

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Gitlab is fully remote, not Github

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Thanks, yep, made the mistake

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